Annie Michels and Mary Patridge,
Co Directors of 2009 Children's Festival
Congratulations to Annie Michels and Mary Patridge for the wonderful job they did as Directors for the 2008 Children's Festival! Amazing how much can be accomplished when you work hard and smile a lot! These two wonderful women spent endless hours planning together either on the telephone or at one house or another making sure that everything was covered! They recruited a terrific set of Major Chairpersons who backed them up all the way!
2008 Major Chairs were: Andora Hammonds, Lona Dillard (Arts & Crafts); Ilma McKern, Patt Colwell (Book Booth); Mary Beth Rudisile (Decorations); Teresa Stempenhaus (Donations); Judy Gambee, Lauren Bambee, Susie Prulhiere (Dragon Deli); Steve Braden, Eric Dillard (Dragons); Cindy Braden, Maggie Carrico (Festivities); Sarah Lee, Kathy Hayek, MaryBeth Buonassissi (Gatehouse); Jason Williams (Grounds); Kristen Couch, Kelly Witters (Hospitality); Leslie Klecan (Mother Goose Land); Karin Dailey (Printing); Suzanne Yaru, Patricia Merry (Properties); Helen Olshausen (Publicity); Maggie Donovan (Purchasing); Lynn Kellogg (Queen's Court); Anne Billeter (Science); Patti Diehl, Jill Waldron (Social Events); Catherine Goslin, Christina Oden ( Stage); Marilyn Gradwell (T-Shirts); Leanne Wood (Treasurer); and Regula Pepi, Marcia Simon - AAUW Co-Chairpersons.
Now on to 2009! Annie Michels and Mary Patridge (now seasoned veterans) have been working for several months already with great results! As of today (1/26/09) Annie reports that they have filled every Major Chair slot and we are still 3 weeks away from the 2009 Children's Festival Kickoff Brunch when the theme for the festival will be announced. What WILL this dynamic duo have Fred doing this year?